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Return the sum of the numbers in the array,except ignore sections of numbers

SUMMER OF '69: Return the sum of the numbers in the array, except ignore sections of numbers starting with a 6 and extending to the next 9 (every 6 will

React: why is that changing the current value of ref from useRef doesn't trigger the useEffect here

I have a question about useRef: if I added ref.current into the dependency list of useEffect, and when I changed the value of ref.current, the callback inside o

Can't receive valid test on specific test controller

I'm testing a sign-in controller and therefore I've written the following test: it("return 200 when user signed in successfully", async () => { await req

variably modified 'stack' at file scope [duplicate]

int const a=9; int stack[a]; int main() { return 0; } The above code gives an error:variably modified 'stack' at file scope But when I

How to pass command line arguments into gauge tests?

I want pass a command line argument is_triggered=true as part of running Jenkins gauge tests run. How can I pass the argument when I am doing gauge run specs --

IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set to 8.0 Xcode 12 (Flutter)

I run my Flutter project in Android Studio, pod installation goes well but Xcode build fails at the end every time like 20/30 steps first of complete the whole

How do I access Window Resources in WinUI 3

I've just started working on a WinUi 3 (Desktop) project and have got blocked trying to add Window resources to a Window. I would have thought the following wou

Why is my page not loading when clicking on event listener?

I'm creating an anime quiz. So when the user clicks on "Welcome to the anime quiz" s/he should be presented with 4 different anime titles. However, nothing happ

how can i give type in getServerSideProps of Nextjs with typescript?

I'm using NextJs + TypeScript to make a little clone project, but I got a problem with type in getServerSideProps. As you can see, in getServerSideProps, I am f

blank page when I started web flutter debugging

looks like this : I have a problem when flutter web debugging. My launching project doesn't stop and displays a blank page.blank page like this : i try too we

How to concatenate ranges using formulas, even when there are blanks to be considered on Google Sheets?

The problem consists of concatenating multiple horizontal ranges containing product1, brand1, price1, product2, brand2, price2 and so on, even when the cells ar

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework? Or is it possible to update user state via connector API?

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework, if bot send message to user via connector API? Or is it possible to update user state vi

Round 37.1-28.75 float calculation correctly to 8.4 instead of 8.3

I have problem with floating point rounding. I want to calculate floating point numbers and round them to (given) N decimals. In this example I want to round to

How to access kind control plane port from another docker container?

I'm creating a kind cluster with kind create cluster --name kind and I want to access it from another docker container but when I try to apply a Kubernetes file

How to judge whether the incoming buffer is valid in C++?

In my function, a memory pointer and its size are passed as parameters: int myFun(uintptr_t* mem_ptr, int mem_size) { // Code here } Is there any way to te

R shiny : display text as code on several lines

I would like to display some R code on my shiny app. Therefore, I used verbatimTextOutput but I can't find a way to break lines and to display paragraphs of cod

RegEx for email with only one special character

I am trying to modify a regex for emails (gmail) that should contains special characters like _%+-. but only one, not more I made 2 test cases below that are bo

Next-auth CredentialProvider config and redirect

I'm a bit confused on the implementation of the credentials provider and the redirects. The documentation says that the credentials provider doesn't support a c

How to map LDAP Usergroups to Wildfly roles

we have javaee application running on wildfly 18. authentication is done by kerberos security-domain ( this works

Trying to extract data from repeated univariate logistic regressions on an imputed dataset

I have a variable list var_list which contains the names of variables to test in the univariate regression. I have an multiple imputed dataset which contains th

Getting text from the pointer till the end of the document in JS Word api

How can i get the text in range from the current location of the cursor till the end of the file? I use JavaScript Word api.

Subscriber don't receive delegate

Sorry if I bother again with a silly delegates-related question... I'll try to be as precise as possible. I have this situation: Object A + Script A, Object B,D

A problem was caused by an array that was not initialized

I am trying to solve a execise, which amis to find the Last Digit of a Large Fibonacci Number, and I try to search for others' solution, and I find one here: h

How to hide currency symbol in angular currency pipe

I'm trying to use Angular currency pipe and I wanted to remove the currency symbol all together from the formatted number, but it seems there is no option to do

Spread operator for props are not passing to component

I am having an issue passing spread operator props to components. Instead of returning a list with values, it is returning an empty list. This is how I'm passin

Store an instance of a different classes in a map

I want to be able to store an instance of a different classes in a map so that I can add, delete and access the instances outside of the entity class. This is w

Add tap events to elements inside an SVG using SkiaSharp in Xamarin.Forms

I want to get the particular points inside the svg for xamarin.forms Is there is any ways from which I can achieve? Thanks in advance.

what is the "Drag" and how did it come about?

I have define a custom actions in my accessibilityElement: UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action1 = ...initWithName:@"label1"; UIAccessibilityCustomAction *action

how to find href attribute to an element using cypress testing library?

using findByRole I get this error because of multiple matches on search my parameter. Timed out retrying after 5000ms: Found multiple elements with the role "li

'TeleBot' object has no attribute 'message_handler'

When I run the code below the following error message is displayed: 'TeleBot' object has no attribute 'message_handler'. import telebot from telebot import type